Encryption – Unknown username

This FAQ will only need to be followed if there is not a duplicated machine name as per the following FAQ – http://faq.scomis.org/kb14883/


A customer will have created a new user to log onto encryption for a laptop. They then get an error when logging on which says “0xE0010020 unknown user name”. This is caused when the encryption software has not installed correctly. To resolve the issue follow these steps:

  •  Log into the Encryption Management Console
  •  Find the machine name within the machines tab
  •  Double click on the machine and set the status to “Disable”
  •  Ask the customer to log on to the laptop with a separate account and force synchronise.
  •  After they have forced synchronisation the laptop, set the status within the Management Console to Enabled
  •  Ask the customer to force synchronise the laptop again and it should start re installing the encryption.
  •  Restart the laptop and the issue should now be resolved.

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