New Functions in SIMS Autumn 2021

Autumn 2021 SIMS Update New functionality in the SIMS Autumn release, includes adding lookups for Covid medical events; adding UPN, achievement\behaviour points or Pupil Premium to marksheets; adding additional information such as assessable grades to examinations; update to reporting and some housekeeping help for bulk deleting old admission applications. ESS Product videos can be found…

Report for Behaviour/Achievement points over a date range

Current functionality in SIMS makes this almost near impossible or extremely complex to make, so that you can run a report for behaviour/achievement conduct points over a date range. You can download the report definition file below and import into SIMS (Reports > Import), which has made this possible:   Conduct Net points over date…

How to add new Achievement or Behaviour Types.

You will need to be a member of School Administrator Group within System Manager to complete this process. Tools > Setups > Behaviour Management > Achievement / Behaviour Type. Select New. Complete Code, Description & Points fields. Make sure the Active box is ticked Tick ‘Include on Register’ is you wish to add Achievements and Behaviour types through Take Register….