When will the CAS KS2 Calculator 2021 be available?

There can be no fine level or points scores calculators after 2020 because students who will be taking KS4 exams after that date did not take tests where the results were calculated in levels and points. The only information we have on how the new scaled score figures will be used in Progress 8 (and…

Profiles – splitting on two pages

To avoid tabled report comments splitting across the page.  Within the Word template; Select the paragraph or section of text you want to keep together. On the Home tab in Word 2010 or Word 2007, click the Paragraph group’s dialog launcher (the small arrow at the bottom-right. In Word 2003 (and earlier), choose Paragraph from…

What is a good pass when using the new reformed 9-1 grades?

A grade 4 will be classed as a pass and would be the equivalent to a C grade, anything below a 4 would not be classed as a pass. Please see below; Under the new system, a grade 4 and above will be equivalent to a C and above. This is – and will remain…

How do I remove a Student from a User Defined Group?

In Sims.net go to: Focus Groups User Defined Groups Search for the Group that you want to remove the student from Go to Panel 2 – Membership Find the student in the Member list Right click on the orange bar to the right of the Member’s name Click on Remove Membership Save   Reviewed: 22/02/18…

My Head of Department cannot see Course and Class Marksheets

The following steps will need to be carried out/checked  In System Manager (Focus|System Manager) check that the Head of Department does not have two accounts. Please note, there are no System Manager defined permissions for Heads of Departments. These are all defined within the Courses. Add the Head of Department to the list of supervisors…

Report to show new students or leavers.

You may need to know any joiners and leavers over a date range. There is a report built into SIMS which can show you this. Go to Reports>Run Reports>Click the + to expand Focus and select Student, Select and run either Migration Report for Arrivals or Leavers and enter the date range you need. This…

Programme of Study Tracking Sheet – “Please import the ResultSet (s)”

  You may receive the message “Please import the ResultSet(s)” after clicking on the Populate icon within the Programme of Study Tracking Sheet. (Route: Focus/Assessment/Programme of Study Tracking Entry)   You will need to import the following templates/aspects from the AMPA folder:   KS4 Assessment mapping Tool aspect PoS KS3 aspect Progress 8 – KS2…

How do I export my assessment data from School Pupil Tracker into SIMS ?

If your school sends assessment data to your Local Authority using a file from School Pupil Tracker you should still import assessments into your school’s Management Information System (SIMS). This ensures all your pupils have the statutory data saved to their record. The following process will need to be completed for all Key Stages. Choose…

How to use the Assessment Mapping Tool

SIMS has introduced a new utility enabling users to map Aspect and Result Sets that have been defined in school with those defined by Capita SIMS. This is known as the Mapping Tool. Once a school has mapped their assessment aspects and result sets to those provided by Capita, the associated assessment results will become…

How do I Import the Assessment Wizards for the Foundation Stage Profile

1.Select Routines | Data In | Assessment | Import. 2.Select the file to import by clicking the browser (magnifying glass) button, then select C:\Program Files\SIMS\SIMS.net\AMPA. Terminal Server schools please click here for your file path. 3.Select C:\Program Files\SIMS\SIMS .net\AMPA\England Primary (and Middle Deemed Primary)\Assessment Manager. 4.There are two Foundation Stage Profiles (FSP) Wizards. If you…