Managing BTEC’s

Types of files: 7B is a results request file – Schools can request this from Pearson in order for EDI results to be made in the August Results period.  Schools should submit this by 31 May. 9B – Registration entry file. 6B – BTEC Basedata June 2023 6B – Entry deadline 23 March – amendment…

Course Manager – Linking Exam Awards to course in Course Manager

There are two ways that you can link courses to QANs: 1.Adding an Award to the Examination panel in Maintain Course, clicking new here will pull through any Award that has been imported into Exams Organiser. If the award is new and basedata has not yet been imported that contains the specific award, it will…

How do I split Basedata to separate Certification elements into separate awards?

We have received many calls to the helpdesk regarding linking awards to courses in SIMS, where the Basedata Award imported into Examinations may contain more than one certification element. This can cause problems within Course Manager due to the fact you can only link one award to one course, so results for both certifications will…