Percentage Attendance in Discover is different to Attendance Reports

Percentage Attendance figures produced by a Discover Percentage Attendance Graph are different when compared with the figures produced by an Attendance / Lesson Monitor report.   This is due to the way that Discover calculates attendance figures as an average, therefore the data will not always match. The differences are because the Discover graphs and…

How to access Discover

Discover is a free tool created by Capita, for more information on the benefits of using Discover please visit If you are Hosted and would like to start using Discover please contact the Scomis Service Desk at and we will setup Discover for you. If you aren’t Hosted and would like to start using…

SEN within Discover

Within Discover it is possible to view the Pupil/Student SEN information in a graphical format. To access the SEN graphs you will need to click on the SEN option at the top of the screen.  This will then show you the SEN graphs that are available within Discover. To display the information within the graphs…

Percentage Attendance within Discover

Within Discover it is possible to view the Pupil/Student percentage attendance in a graphical format. To access the Percentage Attendance graph you will need to click on the Attendance option and drag the Percentage Attendance Year To Date report onto the blank canvas. Once dragged onto the canvas the information will be displayed as a…

Dynamic Groups in Discover

Within Discover it is possible to create something called a Dynamic Group. A Dynamic Group will look at a specific piece of information and will update the group with real time information. For example this would be particularly useful to monitor pupils within less than 95% attendance. To create a Dynamic Group you will need…

Adding a User Defined Group to Discover

It is possible to create a User Defined Group in Sims and use this group to report in Discover.  For Example, it may be that you wish to report on Whole School attendance in Discover but that you want to exclude Nursery children.  For help on creating a User Defined Group please see FAQ: Creating…

Can you change the percentages in Attendance Discover graphs?

Certain attendance Discover graphs displays totals by percentages, for example: 100% 99% 98% 97% etc. These can be changed. It is possible to specify the ranges used on the x-axis of attendance interval and late interval graphs (such as the Percentage Session Attendance Year to Date and Percentage Lates graphs). Open the Discover Administration Utility…

Discover – Can you filter graphs to show data between a date range?

Unfortunately, this feature is currently not available within Discover (a change request has been logged with Capita). However ‘Termly graphs’ have been included in the Autumn 2013 release of Discover. These will include reports to show termly Behaviour points, Achievement points and Percentage Session Attendance.

Deleting Discover Groups from SIMS

Focus | Groups | Discover Groups Discover Groups in SIMS no longer exist in Discover. How can these be deleted from SIMS? Please call the Scomis Service Desk on 01392 385300 as a patch will need to be applied to delete the groups.

How do I create an Achievement Points by Registration Group graph in Discover?

In Discover there is a ‘Behaviour Points by Registration Groups’ graph but not one for Achievements. How do I create one? To see this information in Discover: 1. Please open Discover and click the Pupil button. Drag the graph ‘Student Totals by Year Group’ onto the canvas. Click the Achievement button and drag the appropriate…

What is the difference between a Discover and Dynamic group?

When saving a new Group in Discover, there is an option to save as ‘Discover’ or ‘Dynamic’. A Discover Group is only available in Discover, whereas a Dynamic Group is also available in SIMS. A Dynamic Group will allow any Supervisors of the Group to see any changes, such as when a Student has left the…

Discover Dynamic Group Not Showing In SIMS

A Dynamic Group which has been created in Discover will only appear in SIMS.Net if you have members in the group eg. You have created  a group for In Care and you do not currently have any In Care students; the group will not appear in until you have a student who has an…

Student total by key pastoral factors is not showing in Discover

If you cannot see the ‘Student Totals By Key Pastoral Factors’ graph within Discover, then it is likely that the user who is currently logged into Discover does not have the required permissions. In order to be able to view this graph within Discover, the affected user must at least be able to view the…