Percentage Attendance in Discover is different to Attendance Reports

Percentage Attendance figures produced by a Discover Percentage Attendance Graph are different when compared with the figures produced by an Attendance / Lesson Monitor report.   This is due to the way that Discover calculates attendance figures as an average, therefore the data will not always match. The differences are because the Discover graphs and…

Can you change the percentages in Attendance Discover graphs?

Certain attendance Discover graphs displays totals by percentages, for example: 100% 99% 98% 97% etc. These can be changed. It is possible to specify the ranges used on the x-axis of attendance interval and late interval graphs (such as the Percentage Session Attendance Year to Date and Percentage Lates graphs). Open the Discover Administration Utility…

Discover – Can you filter graphs to show data between a date range?

Unfortunately, this feature is currently not available within Discover (a change request has been logged with Capita). However ‘Termly graphs’ have been included in the Autumn 2013 release of Discover. These will include reports to show termly Behaviour points, Achievement points and Percentage Session Attendance.