Current Supplier List in FMS

When exporting a Supplier List from FMS Reports, it shows all suppliers including the ones that are no longer ‘In Use’. A workaround for this, is to go into the supplier list and use the export button in the top right corner of the screen. Once you have saved the file, navigate to it and…

Invoice missing in Lloyds Link but appears in BACS File

In FMS go to Accounts Payable>Suppliers and open the Supplier the missing Invoice was for. Open the Additional Tab and Enter the correct Account Number and Sort Code, then save the changes. Once you have done this you will need to amend the BACS file to include the new Bank Details. Further information on amending…

BACS report missing suppliers

When running the BACS report not all chosen suppliers appear on the print out. This is a known issue, please log a call for patch 19221 to be run on your data. Reviewed 13/04/2018 KB16187

Supplier Payee – LEA Reference warning message

When adding PAYEE details in the ‘Payment To’ section on a supplier in FMS, when saving after adding the LEA Reference you may get a warning that the reference is being used on another supplier. If this is true, just click OK. It is common for multiple suppliers to use the same Payee. If this is not true, further…

Where Can I Find An LEA Reference For A Supplier

The Top 500  suppliers for Devon Schools information can be found here If the Supplier cannot be found on the Top 500 Suppliers list please contact the Payments Section on 01392 382417   Reviewed 17/08/2015