Personnel Absence Analysis report showing high figure

Check the member of staff’s personnel record for absences. Either there is a missing end date or the end date is not correct eg the year has been mistyped. This can occur even if the individual analysis report appears to be correct.   KB16419

How do I add a Staff Training Course & Training Absence in

A Training course can be added via Tools | Staff | Training. Click ‘new’ to add a new training course. Enter the details in Panel 1 &  2 Staff  attending the course can be added in panel 3. The absence recorded in Panel 2 3, will be reflected for any  member of staff linked to…

Recording Staff Absences in Cover 7

1. From the Cover Arrangements page, click the New Absence button to display the Record Classroom Staff Absence dialog. 2. Select the absent member of staff in the Staff panel (use the Ctrl key to select multiple staff members). 3. Select a reason for the absence in the Reasons panel. 4. In the Duration panel,…