Cost Centre allocation exists in new financial year

Cost Centre allocations can be entered either manually or imported from budget setting software. If the school uses a budget import facility it is important to check which years are required when importing and to choose appropriately; eg if importing for 2016 financial year only also choose 2017 if required.   KB18629  

FMS, Salary Projection – My cost centres and staff have duplicate entries

  FMS, Salary Projection – My cost centres and staff have duplicate entries. This happens when amendments have been made to cost centre names by adding letters or numbers in front of the existing cost centre in Tools>General Ledger Setup> Tab 2 Cost Centre. To resolve this issue go to Tools>Define Financial Year> Define Salary…

I am unable to delete a cost centre or ledger link

There are several things that may stop you deleting a cost centre or a ledger link – please check the following:- *Please note that it is only possible to delete a ledger code so long as the ledger code remains unused. Any cost centre over one financial year old will not be possible to delete….