LogMeIn Resolve – Requirements

System Requirements for End users These hardware, operating system, and browser requirements apply to your end users’ computers. Recommendations for network configurations are made to ensure a smooth support experience. Desktop Requirements Hardware 1.33 GHz Dual-core CPU 130MB free memory 260MB free space Network A working internet connection with stable 1 Mbps download upload bandwidth….

Spring 2022 Upgrade to SIMS (v7.204) and FMS (v6.204)

The Spring 2022 SIMS Upgrade (V7.204) & FMS (V6.204) is planned to be rolled out on the evening of Wednesday 13th April 2022 from 5.30pm (Scomis Hosted users please log off by 5pm)   The upgrade contains a new SIMS & FMS Eligibility Check.  Please click here for further information  Release notes containing detailed information on…

Spring 2021 Upgrade to SIMS (v7.198) and FMS (v6.198)

The Spring 2021 SIMS Upgrade (V7.198) & FMS (V6.198) is planned to be rolled out over the weekend starting from 5pm on Friday 26th March, 2021. (Scomis Hosted users please log off by 5pm) Release notes containing detailed information on what is included in the upgrade can be downloaded below: Spring 2021 SIMS – Combined Release…

Error – Installation package missing in the repository in Solus

Schools that have left their local LA for support may receive this error trying to deploy SIMS & FMS upgrades via Solus 3. This is due to a setting which was used by their MIS Support team. To resolve the error where the update package is missing in the repository you will need to go…

Solus 3 Troubleshooting Tips

Below are some useful tips for troubleshooting issues with Solus 3. Ensure that the Solus Installation Pre Requisites have been met, check list below: All machines that will form part of the SOLUS3 environment, being those that are used for SIMS, SIMS Discover or FMS, will require certain pre-requisites before the installation of the Agent…

Removing a Device From Solus 3

If a device is no longer on the network, it makes sense to remove this device from the SOLUS³ environment. This action keeps your system tidy, maximises security and avoids confusion. To remove a device from Solus 3: Open the Solus 3 Deployment Server UI.   Select Environment | Agents to display the AGENTS page….

Forcing an Upgrade to Workstations and Troubleshooting Solus 3

Sometimes for various reasons, an update may fail to deploy to all workstations. In this instance it is possible to Redeploy the update or force the update on the workstation using the Solus 3 Agent. If upon checking, the result of an update is “Partially Successful” then it will be most likely that the update…

Deploying Updates/Patches via Solus 3 Manually

If your updates are not scheduled to run automatically then follow the below procedure to use Solus 3 to check for updates. On the machine where Solus 3 is installed, run the SOLUS3 User Interface from the icon on the desktop.         From the main Solus 3 screen, click on “Upgrades” and…

Checking the Status of an Update/Patch via Solus 3

To check the status (success/failure) of an update that has been deployed either manually or automatically using Solus 3, please do the following: Open Solus 3 by clicking on the desktop shortcut for the “Solus 3 Deployment Server UI”           Go to “Upgrades” and then “Deployment History”.   You will be…

Checking for Updates via Solus 3

If your updates are not scheduled to run automatically, then follow the below procedure to use Solus 3 to check for updates. On the machine where Solus 3 is installed, run the SOLUS3 User Interface from the icon on the desktop.           From the main Solus 3 screen, click on “Upgrades”…

Authorising an Update/Patch via Solus 3

To authorise an update or patch for a school (SIMS/FMS/Discover) via Solus 3, first, logon on to the Scomis Solus 3 Authorising server (solus3-int.scomis.org) using your SIMSNET credentials via the shortcut on the Hosted desktop. PLEASE NOTE: You will need to enter your username prefixed with SIMSNET i.e. SIMSNET\Joe.Bloggs43 Once logged in,from the desktop, launch…

Adding a Machine to Solus 3 on an Active Directory Network

If you have got Solus 3 installed on your Windows Server based Active Directory network and wish to add a new SIMS/FMS/Discover workstation then please do the following: On the server where Solus 3 is installed (usually the SIMS server), open the Solus 3 Deployment Server UI.           Once opened, click…

Adding a Machine to Solus 3 on a Peer to Peer Network

If you have got Solus 3 installed on your Windows 7 based Admin network and wish to add a new SIMS/FMS/Discover workstation then please do the following: On the new machine which is to be added, browse to G:\SOLUS3\Workstation Setup Files . In this folder you will see the installer files for the Solus 3…

SIMS SOLUS 3 Minimum Hardware Recommendations

To be able to run SOLUS 3  effectively it needs to be installed on a computer with a hardware specification matching or exceeding that listed below. All details come from Capita and are correct as of March 2016. Computer Processor (CPU) I3 processor or higher (I5 or higher recommended for optimum performance in secondary schools). Memory…