SIMS Housekeeping

It is important to keep the data that is held within your SIMS system up-to-date and accurate. Below are some suggestions for Housekeeping routines you can run in SIMS to check that your data is correct, along with guidance on how to complete these routines in SIMS. SIMS Module Routine Guidance Tools Validate Memberships and…

Check all staff have a work email address in SIMS

Below is a report you can import into SIMS to check all staff have a work email. Staff Work email To import a report into SIMS To download and import the Staff work email Staff Work email Save the file Staff Work email into a folder on your computer. Unzip it and save the file In…

Bulk Update Parental consent

The facility to Bulk Update pupil/student information enables you to simultaneously assign values to a group of pupil/students, and then edit any individual exceptions if required. Routines | Pupil (or Student) | Bulk Update. The Group Type indicates the type of group you wish to work with whilst the Group allows you to select the…

Deleting Unlinked Persons from SIMS

Unlinked persons should be deleted from SIMS. This may be, pupils, employees, applicants, agents, contacts or other individuals whose historical data should no longer be retained in line with GDPR guidelines. Go to Tools>Housekeeping>Delete unlinked persons A list of unlinked persons recorded in SIMS should show Select the check box at the top left hand…

Academic dates in SIMS

To check your schools academic dates are correct in SIMS go to Routines>School>Edit academic year Select the year you wish to check Click ‘Next’ until you are happy with the dates and then select ‘Update’ If you have made any changes please note that this may take some time to update. It is best to…

Updating Mailing point in SIMS

When generating a report to parents/guardians you may only want to send the letter to one child per family. From Tools>Housekeeping>General You can set the mailing point to either Oldest or Youngest child Once you are happy with your choice click ‘Apply’ and then ‘Save’    

Housekeeping: Merging Agencies and Agents

Over time, duplicate agents and agencies may appear in SIMS. Merge Agencies  Go to Tools>Housekeeping>Merge agencies Click on the Yellow folders and see if you have any duplicate agencies. In the Main Agency panel select the agency you wish to keep and in the Agency to be merged panel select the duplicate.  In the Options…

Deal with Missing marks in SIMS

How to check if you have missing marks in SIMS. Go to Focus>Attendance>Deal with Missing Marks Change the date filters and group type as appropriate and click ‘Search’ Click the Yellow Open folder button and enter in your missing marks for each pupil Once all marks have been entered click ‘Save’    

Key Stage Bulletin 2024

This FAQ contains the latest information and guides regarding the Key Stage Return 2024.  Please see below for further guidance Changes to KS1 – The DFE have announced that KS1 is now a non statutory arrangement. This means that unless stated otherwise you do not need to provide a CTF of your KS1 results to…

EYFS- Key Stage- Changes to A code

The A code can no longer be used for EYFS pupil who are absent. The DFE has taken the decision that the EYFS profile must be completed in all instances unless: an exemption has been granted by the secretary of state for the setting or an individual child. In these cases only, an ‘A’ should be recorded for…

Devon Schools – Uploading Key Stage, EYFS and Phonics 2023

Devon Schools should upload their Phonics, EYFS and KS1 files to the Devon Educational services Team through the Devon Transfer – Anycomms route. Devon Educational Services Team Deadline dates  EYFS- 30th June 2023 Phonics- 27th June 2023 KS1- 27th June 2023 For Scomis Hosted SIMS schools this can be done through the Devon Transfer Shortcut…

How to add a bank holiday

Go to Focus > School > School Diary. Find the correct date and right click on this field and select ‘New Public Holiday’. Enter the appropriate description and select ‘Bank Holiday’ for the category, Check the date is correct and then click  ‘OK’ Students will automatically have # codes for all Bank Holidays. Note for Attendance /…

Admitting Admission pupils

How do I make my admission pupils on-roll pupils  Select Routines | Admission | Admit Applications to display the Find Intake Group Enter all or part of the intake group Name or select the appropriate options from the drop-down lists then click the Search button to display all intake groups that match the search criteria…

I have admitted a pupil who is no longer coming into school

If you have admitted a pupil from your admission group who is no longer coming to your school you will need to delete their student record. You should only do the following if the pupil NEVER came to your school. If they attended for  1 day or even for just 1 morning you should mark…

How to delete an incorrect grade in a marksheet

Results are stored against the student. Deleting a result from a marksheet does not delete it from the student which means the result will repopulate the marksheet each time it is opened. To delete the result permanently: Open up the relevant  marksheet Right click on the incorrect result Select ‘view/edit result history’ Select the grade…

KS2 Assessments – Uploading Results to The Primary Assessment Gateway

  Exporting Results – Once the appropriate assessment levels or test scores have been entered for all pupils, the results need to be exported to the Primary Assessment Gateway - Although the website to upload Key Stage 2 results has changed from the National Assessment Agency to the Primary assessment Gateway the below is still…

Phonics Wizard not showing.

If when trying to run Tools > Performance > Assessment > Wizard Manager the Phonics Screening Wizard you are looking for does not show. Firstly ensure the Filter at the top is set to All If the Wizard still does not show it will need to be imported. To do this go to Routines >…

How to amend Work Email address to Home Email on Data Collection Sheet

The standard Data Collection Sheet only displays the Work Email address of a contact. This can be amended in several ways, the most stress-free approach is to update the field in the report so that the main email address takes the place of the work email address. This can be done as shown below. 1….

How to use Covid subcodes

The subcodes can be used for more granular reporting on the I codes. Once you have entered your I code into the register you can right click on the mark and select “Enter Subcode”       Make sure the padlock is off and says overwrite as per the screenshot.          …

How to schedule reports in SIMS

You will need to be a member of any of the following User Groups in System Manager to run this function: School Administrator System Manager. Please see your System Administrator/Manager if you are not sure whether you have the required Permissions. Scheduling Reports – Quick Reference Sheet To have scheduled reports setup on Scomis Hosted…

Adding a student to the favourites panel

It is possible to add a pupil to your favourites so they appear on the Home Screen. To do this, open up the pupil record and click the green “Favourites” cross in the top right hand side. Pupils will then appear in your favourites panel on the homepage under the student tab.

Using SIMS in the classroom for attendance

For Registration to take place there are a few steps schools need to complete but the software itself is part of Sims .net and probably the school’s admin team are already using it. 1 – Each teacher needs access to a workstation where they can connect to the Scomis Hosted Application service – download from – 2…

Fire Register in SIMS

To create a quick link to a fire register report you can do the following: Go to the shortcuts on the left hand side of SIMS and click on one of the arrows showing next to the different sections. Click on Add Panel and rename the panel to Reports. This way, you can save any…

Data Collection Notifications on Homepage when using ParentApp Lite

It is possible to view and approve changes made by parents through Parent App via the SIMS homepage. From the SIMS Homepage, click on the “Configure” button on the top right hand side. From here you will need to add a new panel by using the arrow buttons on the right hand side of the…