Anycomms Guide v17

Anycomms Guide Version 17 as of 9th December 2020 Anycomms guide for Devon Local Authority schools Devon County Council Anycomms Guide vs17

AnyComms error message

An error has occurred downloading files, error: The server was unable to process the request due to an internal error This was resolved by AVCO at their end.   kb19822  

Resetting Anycomms Passwords, Memorable Words & Requesting new users

In order to reset your Anycomms password you will need to click on the ‘forgot password’ option on This will allow you to reset your password and memorable word. If you are still unable to log in or require a new user to be setup please email      

Unable to find reconciliation file from AnyComms (North Somerset)

Files for reconciliation should be downloaded to the \Sims\Transfer\In folder but must be in the format required for FMS. North Somerset use the format YY_1234R.12A If there is only one file to download there is not usually a problem but if more than one are downloaded all together then AnyComms will zip the file, giving…