Print from Microsoft Edge

The Scomis Hosted platform now utilises Microsoft Edge as its Internet Browser. Previously, in Internet Explorer 11, there was a “Print ” button showing in the toolbar at the top of the page. Due to the way that Edge works, this is no longer possible. To bring up the Print Preview and dialogue window, simply…

Trouble Accessing Training Environment

When using Microsoft Edge browser to access the Training and Support environment ( we have seen the following behaviour: Browse to Log in with user details, user is presented with the option for the Primary or Secondary Training Pools. User clicks on one of the pools to launch a session but the following message…

Accessing Internet Favourites in Microsoft Edge

To access your Internet Favourites in the Edge browser you need to click on the “Star with 3 lines” icon at the top right of the Edge window:                         If there is another website you wish to add to your list of favourites, then…

Downloading files on the Scomis Hosted Platform

Internet Explorer 11 is now End of Life so we have had to deploy Microsoft’s Edge browser for use. Downloading a file is slightly different in Edge than it was in Internet Explorer. When you click on a file to download (for example, Exams base data files) the file will automatically be downloaded to the…

Setting proxy server/settings in Microsoft Edge

Go to the … icon in the top right hand of the screen and go to Settings. Scroll down and choose View Advanced Settings Find the button as below under Proxy Setup called Open Proxy Settings Scroll down and find Manual proxy setupĀ and turn Use a proxy server to On. Fill in the details for…