LogMeIn Resolve – Requirements

System Requirements for End users These hardware, operating system, and browser requirements apply to your end users’ computers. Recommendations for network configurations are made to ensure a smooth support experience. Desktop Requirements Hardware 1.33 GHz Dual-core CPU 130MB free memory 260MB free space Network A working internet connection with stable 1 Mbps download upload bandwidth….

How to format dates in Excel reports.

When report is run the date of birth will show i.e 21st January 2001 would like the format to be 21/01/01. To format the date in the report as required after export to excel, please follow the below mentioned steps: 1. Select the ‘DOB’ column in the Excel report output. 2. Go to Menu Data…

The edit options are greyed out on my report

When saving reports from Sims .net the edit options such as Data sort are greyed out – this is in Excel 2010. If the header bar, besides giving the file name, also says Group:- 1. Right click on the ‘Sheet 1’ tab at the bottom 2. Choose Ungroup KB6568     Reviewed 29/04/2015

How do I open an Elevated Command Prompt?

I need to run a Command Prompt as a an administrator, how do I open an Elevated Command Prompt? There will need to be a user that has Administrative rights associated with the machine. Type cmd.exe into the search box on the Start menu. Right click on it and choose Run As or Run As…