Frequently Asked Questions regarding Scomis Remote Backup Service improvements from 1st December 2017

What if I want to backup more data?

Under our improved service many customers will wish to protect more of their data with us – as the more data a customer protects the better value is obtained.

This service applies no limits on the amount of data a customer can protect; there are no enforced quota limits which could cause a backup to fail.

If a customer increases the amount of data being selected for backup, this will be reflected in the monthly usage statements.

If you are currently backing up some of your school data using alternative methods please contact Scomis. We would be happy to give you a proposal based on the amount of data that you would like to protect in the future.

How much will it cost to backup more data?

Monthly charges are based on the amount of data in Gigabytes that a customer protects (selects) for backup each month. Prices start at £25 per month for protecting up to 100GB. For information, a Gigabyte is defined as 1000 Megabytes.

We would be happy to give you a proposal based on the amount of data that you would like to protect in the future.

What if I want to backup more devices?

Under our improved service there are no device charges. Charges are based on the amount of data being protected. If you would like to backup additional devices please log a call with Scomis Service Desk and we will arrange to install the backup client on your additional devices.

What is Image Level Recovery?

The service includes support for Virtualised Environments (Image Level Recovery) – allowing a whole device (rather than specific files and folders) to be restored to a previous state for full disaster recovery purposes. This is particularly useful when recovering from a ransomware outbreak as it allows a school to quickly recover.

If you wish to backup Virtualised Environments please log a call with Scomis Service Desk and a member of our team will make the necessary configuration changes.

How can I find out about MAT / Federation pricing?

Trusts and Federations, who wish to be billed centrally, can obtain better value by aggregating their data from multiple school sites and levering their economies of scale. Each protected device is backed up and the data is stored separately on the storage platform.

The more data protected the better value obtained. For billing purposes we invoice the Trust / Federation directly and base our charges on the total amount of data that an organisation is protecting.

Our monthly usage statements itemise the amount of data each individual school in a trust is protecting. This allows trusts to internally recharge their schools should they wish to do so.

If you would like to obtain MAT / Federation pricing please contact Scomis for a proposal.

What is the difference between Online Storage and Remote Backup?

Online storage lets you store files and folders online. Data can be corrupted, accidentally deleted and can be equally susceptible to ransomware attacks as school network drives.

Online storage space doesn’t feature a convenient way to perform backups of your data.

Scomis Remote Backup Service lets you protect large amounts of data in an automated and convenient way which is stored in a secure encrypted format on the cloud.

What are my legal requirements?

The Data Protection Act’s 7th Principle states:

“Appropriate technical and organisational measures shall be taken against unauthorised or unlawful processing of personal data and against accidental loss or destruction of, or damage to, personal data.”

In practice this means schools must have appropriate security to prevent the personal data they hold being accidentally or deliberately compromised.

The Scomis Remote Backup Service is an encrypted cloud backup solution which keeps your data safe and secure.

We already have a MAT in-house solution using site-to-site mirroring, how does this compare?

Some large MATs will link school sites to allow backups to be stored on other schools servers via their school Internet connections. This requires a high level of in-house technical expertise and requires investment in infrastructure to support this type of backup method.

In addition, as the sites are linked together, it can increase the risk of an infection spreading from site to site.

Scomis Remote backup Service stores your data in a secure encrypted format on the Cloud, meaning your data is protected from any school-based virus and ransomware attacks.

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