LogMeIn Resolve – Requirements

System Requirements for End users These hardware, operating system, and browser requirements apply to your end users’ computers. Recommendations for network configurations are made to ensure a smooth support experience. Desktop Requirements Hardware 1.33 GHz Dual-core CPU 130MB free memory 260MB free space Network A working internet connection with stable 1 Mbps download upload bandwidth….

Formatting/Printing of SIMS Reports when displayed in Microsoft Edge

When a report outputs to Microsoft Edge HTML, the formatting of the gridlines for “Registration Reports” does not display as expected. This is because the report has been designed originally in Internet explorer by SIMS. Solution: Run the report as normal, click the 3 dots top right corner of the report and click “Reload into…

KS2 Assessments – Uploading Results to The Primary Assessment Gateway

  Exporting Results – Once the appropriate assessment levels or test scores have been entered for all pupils, the results need to be exported to the Primary Assessment Gateway -https://www.primaryassessmentgateway.education.gov.uk/publicaccessproduction/selfservice/citizenportal/login.htm Although the website to upload Key Stage 2 results has changed from the National Assessment Agency to the Primary assessment Gateway the below is still…

Changes to SIMS Pay & InTouch

In February, ESS SIMS was acquired by new independent owners and is therefore no longer part of Capita. As of the 21st May 2021 the legal name of the company formerly known as Capita ESS Ltd will be changing to Education Software Solutions Ltd. The abbreviation ‘ESS’, which they have been using since February, will…

Prepare Authorised Payments – Error ‘Previously processed file found’

Prepare Authorised Payments – error ‘previously processed file found’ This error is caused by the previous processed file still showing in F:\public\SIMS\Transfer\OUT The processed file should have successfully moved to F:\public\SIMS\Transfer\SENT. Check that the file in Transfer\OUT is also showing in Transfer\SENT. If it is then the file in Transfer\OUT can be renamed ‘duplicate’  on…

Exporting Service Terms

A school may need to update their Service Terms however this may involve a lot of work, if the school is in an academy/federation it may be a case that a school within this academy/federation can share the updated service terms to save time.  For the school to be able to export Service Terms they…

Who has access or the ability to view SIMS Parent App?

*Updated 05/07/2019*   Which contacts associated on a student record has the ability to access SIMS Parent App? SIMS Parent App/Parent App Lite The current functionality is that any contact or guardian that has Parental Responsibility and no Court Order will be able to access SIMS Parent App, and have the ability to see the…

Changing The Font In An Individual Report Which Is Using PoS Information

When you pull through information from Programme of Study (PoS) you are not able to change the font to match the rest of the report just by selecting the information and then selecting the font or colour you would prefer. The steps to change the formatting in these columns is :- Change the style of…

Adding a new/custom permission group to SIMS System Manager

When adding new users or controlling existing users access rights, you may find that you want the user to be able to access a specific area, but the pre-defined permission groups either give them too much or not enough permission to allow the user to do this. Within SIMS, go to Focus > System Manager…

How To Split Or Share Cover And Room Assignments In Cover

All periods can be split in half using the half period cover setting in Tools | Cover | Global Settings. Where half period cover is not used, but odd periods need to be split, this can be done as follows: Right click on the assignment for the Closure or Absence. Choose Clone. Right click on…

Rooms – Examinations Organiser

Rooms are in SIMS.net but are not appearing in Examinations Organiser In Examinations Organiser: 1. Tools | School Setup | Exam Room. 2. Select ‘ADD’ to add a new exam room. 3. Click on the browser to view the list of rooms available. If the room is not listed in the dropdown menu but has…

How do I export my assessment data from School Pupil Tracker into SIMS ?

If your school sends assessment data to your Local Authority using a file from School Pupil Tracker you should still import assessments into your school’s Management Information System (SIMS). This ensures all your pupils have the statutory data saved to their record. The following process will need to be completed for all Key Stages. Choose…

Changes to SWGfL Internet Filtering

Google and SWGfL Internet Filtering Changes Google searches utilise encryption technologies for added security and where this has previously been optional, it will be made mandatory by them in early February 2015. In order for the RM SafetyNet Filtering service to perform filtering on all Google searches (such as images), there is a need to…

Setting the Proxy Server in Internet Explorer

In order to view web pages when using a SWGfL internet connection within school you will need to set Internet Explorer to use a SWGfL proxy Server.   To do this: Open Internet Explorer  Click the Tools button, and then click Internet Options. Click the Connections tab, and then click LAN settings. Select the Use…

Suggested Google Chrome GPO ADM Settings – (AMEND AS APPROPRIATE)

The following setting are just a suggestion on how to configure the Google Chrome Group Policy for User Configuration This is based on the ADM file as of 2nd February 2014 – a more up to date ADM may differ. Browse to User Configuration – Administrative Templates right click and select Add/Remove Templates…Import the Chrome…

Claim Preparation – No fund/ledger codes showing to select

Claimants are showing to select and add in claims for additional contracted hours and supply but on selecting the fund and ledger there is nothing to choose. Check in FMS that the financial year is Started. In Claims Preparation use the Refresh Cache option. If this is the first claim they have prepared since having a new FMS…

Entering hours worked into Claims

When entering hours worked into Claims remember that the time must be entered in hours & minutes separated by a colon, not in decimal time. Entering the hours worked in a decimal format instead of actual time format could result in incorrect payments to staff. The printed letter will, however, show the hours worked as…

Computer Data Wipe

Notes last updated: 04/12/2008   Document Purpose To guide you through the process of securely wiping a computer hard disk before disposal or use in an area of a school where there is a greater risk of sensitive data being compromised.   Equipment you will need You will need the Scomis Data Wipe CD-ROM Or…

Migration of SIMS from WSFS to Dedicated Server

Scomis SIMS WSFS to Dedicated Server Migration Link to document: WSFS to Dedicated 2008 Server v1.0 Document History Version Date Who Action 1.0 23/05/12 Ian Taylor Document Creation Document Purpose This document is to assist with the successful migration of a school’s admin server from a workstation server to a dedicated Windows 2008 R2 Server. This…