ARCHIVE -Remote backup – Accounts not backed up


  • Step 1: The ‘Accounts that have not backed up email’ is sent to the service desk and to supportworks. Within supportworks the email will need to be moved across to the folder entitled ‘Backups. This will need to be done by the person that is on the early. The person that is doing Backups for the week will then need to print the failure list from their personal email account.
  • Step 2: All accounts that have only failed 1 day or under will need to be checked within the console to see if a backup is currently running or if there is an error. If there is a backup running it will need to be recorded on the failure list printout and if there are any errors a call will need to be logged for the school and the reference number recorded on the failure list printout. If this is not the case a number 1 email will need to be sent to the school. The only exception to this would be on a Monday. In this instance a number 1 email will need to be sent out to any school that is 4 days or under. Once you have sent out all of the emails please place a number 1 on the right hand side next to the days of failure. Once this has been done you will need to record at the bottom of the sheet how many emails were sent and how many failed. E.g. 1 – 20 emails – 19 sent, 1 failed.
  • Step 3: If a school has failed for 2 days or more a call will need to be logged in supportworks as a P2. In the original call description you will need to detail the server name that the backup has failed for and the number of days that it has failed for. You will then need to log and accept the call and recorded the reference number on the left hand side of the school name. You will then need to check in the console and record any errors that you find within the call log. Please check to see if there any FAQ’s that may resolve the error in the console. You will also need to ping the machine and record all results in the call log. Once this has been done you can assign the call to the service desk queue. If the school already has a call logged for it please add a note to the call detailing that it has failed for a subsequent night and pass a ticket to the owner of the call.
  • Step 4: If there are any failures that begin with a scomis/ an email will need to be sent to the server and network team detailing the whole PC name and the number of days it has failed for. This will need to be recorded on the failure log sheet by placing S+N on the right hand side next to the days of failure. It will also need to be recorded at the bottom of the failure log sheet as to how many PC’s you emailed about. E.g. S+N (number of affected machines) – Sent
  • Step 5: Once this has been done for all schools on the list the log sheet can be placed in the wallet entitled ‘Accounts not backed up ‘.


Reviewed on 25/10/2016

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