
Bromcom Finance: How to cancel “Passed for Pay” Invoices

There are a couple of reasons you might need to cancel your raised “Passed for Pay” Invoices:

  1. If you have lost your “Print and export” text file that is required for processing through DTSAPPS, you will need to cancel your invoices and re-raise them.
  2.  If you have raised an invoice and now no longer require the invoice.

Please follow the below steps to to resolve the issue:


  1. Modules> Finance> Accounts payable> Invoice/credit note.
  2. Change filter on left – Invoice/Credit status to “Passed for Pay”
  3. Tick the invoices that need to be cancelled and click the brown cancel button to cancel the selected invoices.
  4. Once you have cancelled the invoices in the above step, the invoices will be removed from Manual reconciliation, please check that they are NOT showing in manual reconciliation by browsing to Modules> Finance> Central manual reconciliation.
  5. You are now free to raise new invoices and follow the “Central Authorisation routine” , ensuring when processing you only click print and export as this will produce the txt file needed for processing in DTSAPPS.


IMPORTANT: when you click print and export, you need the text file as mentioned above, it is advised to move the file out of downloads and place in a separate folder label folder as e.g  “Exported payment files from Bromcom”  Once you are happy the file is safe and secure in the folder, click yes to confirm the authorisation was successful.  Caution :Clicking No will unauthorize the invoices


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