LogMeIn Resolve – Requirements

System Requirements for End users These hardware, operating system, and browser requirements apply to your end users’ computers. Recommendations for network configurations are made to ensure a smooth support experience. Desktop Requirements Hardware 1.33 GHz Dual-core CPU 130MB free memory 260MB free space Network A working internet connection with stable 1 Mbps download upload bandwidth….

Redstor Remote Backup Part 3; File & folders Selections and Options

This document is intended to help complete the configuration of Redstor remote backup, by guiding you through the default backup selection process. You should have installed the software using FAQ KB19763 You should have also created and configured the backup account using FAQ KB19769 Once the client software has finished the initial configuration, the Redstor…

Redstor Remote Backup Part 2; Account Configuration.

  This document will enable you to complete the installation and configuration of the Redstor backup client on your computer. You should have already followed the instructions in FAQ KB19763 to install the Backup Client. The Setup Wizard runs automatically the first time the Backup Client is opened.  It comprises two components, the Account Wizard…

Redstor Remote Backup Part 1; Installing the client software.

This document will enable you to   Install the client software for the scomis Remote Backup software The required files are available on the Scomis / Redstor download page FAQ KB2880 If installing remotely, ensure that you are logged into the remote computer as a user with full local admin rights     Scomis Remote…

Scomis Remote Backup Service – connectivity requirements from 11th December 2017

As part of an upgrade to the Scomis Remote Backup Service we will be migrating customers’ backups from our Devon based datacentres to Redstor’s UK based datacentres. For information Attix is now owned by Redstor. Like our existing service your backups will be stored in ISO27001 accredited UK datacentres; your backups will be securely transmitted…

How to deselect files from the remote backup – Redstor

The backup selection tab displays which files/folders on your workstation are being backed up. To view this, open the Redstor backup console To do this, either: (a) Right mouse click on the Redstor icon in the system tray and Open.   (b) On the workstation the backup is installed on, go to Start and search for…

Information re leaving SWGfL

The following information needs to be considered for schools considering the implications of leaving SWGfL and finding other internet providers. There will be no affect to the service you receive from Scomis but some changes may be required to be made by your new ISP. Remote support can continue outside of SWGfL. Filtering – The…

ARCHIVE -Remote backup – Accounts not backed up

NEW PROCEDURES IN PLACE Step 1: The ‘Accounts that have not backed up email’ is sent to the service desk and to supportworks. Within supportworks the email will need to be moved across to the folder entitled ‘Backups. This will need to be done by the person that is on the early. The person that…

Remote backup – Accounts Over the Limit

Procedure for over limit accounts Step 1: The ‘Accounts over limit’ email is sent to the service desk and to supportworks. Within supportworks the email will need to be moved across to the folder entitled ‘backups’. This will need to be done by the person that is on the early. The person that is doing…

How to run an Remote Backup manually

To run a manual backup of your PC or server using the Scomis remote backup service, simply do the following. Right mouse click on the system tray icon in the bottom right hand area of your computer screen. Select “Backup Now” in the options.   —————————————————————————– If you can’t see this icon, check to see…

Scomis / Redstor Backup Installation Files

Click on the links below to download the relevant MSI or other files required for your installation.   Redstor Pro ESE Client Software. Click the title to download the Redstor software for Windows 7 Desktop and above, Windows Server 2008 and above. Click on the latest version link and the select the correct O/S version…

Remote backup: System State using Wbadmin: System state backup failed: Exit Code = -2

Issue: The system state backup may fail with the following message in the log: Message: 01:00:05 [System State (using Wbadmin)]: Performing system state backup Message: 01:00:05 [System State (using Wbadmin)]: Waiting for wbadmin to complete. Warning: 01:00:11 [System State (using Wbadmin)]: System state backup failed: Exit Code = -2 Cause: This message indicates that the…

How to restore files / folders from ScoMIS Remote Backup Service

From time to time, you may for whatever reason, need to restore a file which has been lost, deleted or changed. With the Scomis remote backup service, you can do this easily following these notes – nb – You will not be able to perform a restore if the workstation or server is currently backing…

How to check ScoMIS Remote backup logs

During half term, and school holidays, as many schools switch their PC’s or servers off, Scomis will not be monitoring log files for backup failures and sending out subsequent backup failure emails to the school were applicable. However, if the school would like to check the backup log file themselves whenever they like, they are…