How to Import Admissions Transfer Files (ATFs) into SIMS

Firstly the ATF needs to downloaded from the local authority via Anycomms or Devon Transfer onto your System. Please then follow this quick reference sheet on how to import Admissions Transfer Files (ATFs) into your SIMS – QRS ATF Import For help with the Admission process please follow – SIMS Admissions Code of Practice Non-Own…

Trying to access Focus | Admission | Application and get fault ‘3295-6410’

When users try to access the route Focus | Admission | Application they receive fault ‘3295-6410’ Focus | Admission | Application they receive fault ‘3295-6410′ You do not have the rights to set up Admission Groups : SIMS.processes.processunavailableexception’ This is occurring since upgrading to 7.164. WorkAround The ability of a user with Assessment Co-ordinator or…