How can I view my pre-admission status on my homepage

It is possible to have a graph on your home page which will show you the Application Status of each pre-admission application. To configure the home page to add the Admission Summery click configure in the top right-hand corner of screen shot below: Then drag and drop the Admissions Summery into panel. To add the Admissions Summery Panel…

How can I add new admissions manually?

If you wish to manually add a new pupil as a pre-admission. This could be a one-off pupil needing to be added after you have completed your ATF Import, or numerous pupils – as you do not use the ATF import area (this often applies to Special Schools). Navigate to Focus>Admission>Application or you can use the shortcut…

KS4 Autumn Checking Exercise

The KS4 Autumn Checking Exercise is carried out by the DfE to ensure that the information held within the DfE is the same as what is held in the Schools MIS.  This information relates to GCSE exam results received in the summer and any subsequent remarks, SEN,  Pupil Premium, Dual Registration etc. Sometimes a student’s…

Completing the daily DfE Educational Settings form

To support schools in completing the daily DfE Educational Settings form we have put together a SIMS report that brings together the key student data in a simple to read table. Running this report should reduce the time required to complete the Educational Settings form.   Please follow the instructions in the setting up guide…

Updating Funding and Monitoring – School Census Autumn

The pupil level Update Funding and Monitoring functionality is provided to enable schools to record aspects of the Education Recovery Package required by the DfE. The data is collected for the first time in the School Census Autumn 2021 Return. The information must be recorded via the Tools menu and then the details entered can…

Who can see a Student’s Linked Documents

When attaching a document to a student record through linked documents you will be offered 3 options. Public, Private or Confidential. If Public is chosen then the document/information is available to all users. Anyone who can view student data can view this. If Private is chosen then the document/information is only available for the user…

Students taught out of Year in SIMS

Go to Focus > Student/Pupil > Student/Pupil Details and open the student’s record. In Panel 2 Registration the following must be recorded: Year Group Year Taught In These fields need to correctly reflect the student’s situation. The Year Group is the actual Year that the student should be in based on their date of birth….

How to delete a duplicate pupil record

The admission number will no longer exist so it is important to keep a note of it with the school’s official roll book. The path required is Routines>Pupil>Delete Pupil Search for the pupil and use the red cross to delete.   kb23531    

How to record an address with no postcode (PO Box).

Schools can provide the department with their addresses in whichever format their data is held within their MIS – either; BS7666 address format, (SAON, PAON, post town or other address items) or; address line 1 to 5. Postcode is mandatory for either format. Whilst every effort must be made to obtain these pupil details, the…

GDPR – Deleting Pupil/Student Data in Bulk (Manually)

  Routines | Pupil (or Student) | Bulk Delete Pupil Data Following the Sims Summer 2018 Upgrade to assist schools in being GDPR compliant, it is now possible for a school to bulk delete pupil/student data in line with the Schools own data retention policies. The following data areas can now be deleted: Alerts Attendance…

Bulk Updating Parental Salutations

These are the steps to follow to bulk update the Parental Salutation and Parental Addressee fields for a student’s record. You can update this field one by one via their profile under Tab 5: Family/Home. To add it in bulk, go to: Routines > Student > Update Salutation / Addressee > Parental Click Search and highlight…

How to edit a linked document in Sims .net

1. Go to Focus>Student>Student Details and select the Linked Documents link. Select the applicable Linked Document and click ‘Open’. This will now save the document as a local copy on your machine or open the existing copy you may have. Make any necessary changes to the document and once you are satisfied it is correct, save it. 2. Close the file…

How do I remove a Student from a User Defined Group?

In go to: Focus Groups User Defined Groups Search for the Group that you want to remove the student from Go to Panel 2 – Membership Find the student in the Member list Right click on the orange bar to the right of the Member’s name Click on Remove Membership Save   Reviewed: 22/02/18…

Missing attendance marks in CTF

Exceptions report states there are missing marks from before the school became an academy but school is unable to find any missing marks. Go to Tools>Setups>CTF Change the export attendance dropdown option from Attendance Module to Attendance Summary The module option is used by some third party software     kb19436

Recording deceased parents in SIMS

If a parent has passed away, you will need to remove them from SIMS to make sure that no reports or letters are sent to them. As this is a sensitive issue for both the pupil and family involved, please check that no labels contain the deceased parent’s name and address once the following instructions have…

Unable to edit curriculum membership dates

When in Student Curriculum attempting to change membership dates an error appears End Date is not in an Eligible period – it does not matter which date is entered. Click on the ‘Relax’ option above the date bar which will allow date to be entered.   kb18041

Report to show new students or leavers.

You may need to know any joiners and leavers over a date range. There is a report built into SIMS which can show you this. Go to Reports>Run Reports>Click the + to expand Focus and select Student, Select and run either Migration Report for Arrivals or Leavers and enter the date range you need. This…

How can I add more to the Medical Event lookup?

To add more options under a medical event i.e. additional options under the Immunisation list. Tools> Maintain Medical Event > Search Select the relevant Event Type i.e. Immunisation and double click to open it > Values section > Click New Enter the Code and Description and click Save To see the changes, you will need to log out of SIMS and go…

Service Children and Pupil Premium

Back to Pupil Premium FAQ   These notes are designed to clarify the difference between who you record in census as a Service Child and the Service Children you will receive Pupil Premium for.   Who to record as a Service Child The Service Children indicator recorded on the School Census indicates if a child…

Batch Photo Import Licence

 Schools can be supplied with a Photo Import Licence from an accredited school photographer for which there is an annual charge. A list of the accredited photographers can be found at Accredited photographers | ESS SIMS ( Schools should contact these photographers directly for a new licence. The Exception To The Rule Schools who have…

Pupil Premium

Introduced in 2011, the pupil premium is a sum of money given to schools each year by the Government to improve the attainment of disadvantaged children. Schools are given a pupil premium for: Children who have qualified for free school meals at any point in the past six years. Children who are or have been looked…

How do I set up a User Defined Field?

Within SIMS go to Tools | Setups | User Defined Fields Click New Enter a description for the field. Select a Field Type. For instance, is your UDF to be a single line of text, or a Date, or a True/False field. Select the Data Domain that it is to be applied to. (Staff, Pupil,…

How to do I add Part Time pupils into

The sessions when part-time pupils, i.e. pupils of non-statutory school age, are not required to attend school can be specified using this routine. SIMS then applies the No Attendance Required code to the sessions that occur during the specified date range. The Week Range dates must lie within the new academic year and we would…

How do I add an External or Historic Exam Result?

To add a historic result or a result for an Exam taken externally to Student Details Exams link, you will need to enter the result by doing the following: In SIMS Tools | Examinations  | External Results | Manual Entry |Double click on the student | Add result Enter all of the information for the student’s result….