Nortel – Adding MAC addresses – Part 1: Logging into the system

First the easy bit….

How to connect to the Netmon Terminal Server in order to use the Nortel WSS software…

Log onto the Netmon box using RDP – or (click start/run and type mstsc in the ‘open’ box) or follow the prompts below:

Hit ‘Start’ and ‘Run’, type in mstsc

click OK

Click on ‘Connect’

In the username box, put in your user details (different to your TS one – currently Vicky, Matt, Emily and Rachel have accounts)
Then password
Then check the ‘Log on to’ box is set to ‘Netmon (this computer)’

And you should then login OK.  The WMS application will then start full screen and exit when you close it.

For the next step, go to Part 2 here.

Reviewed on 01/08/2019

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