Report for checking Parental Responsibility and Correspondence tick in SIMS

Below is a report you can import into SIMS to check the Parental Responsibility and Correspondence tick in SIMS. Parental Report To import a report into SIMS To download and import the Parent reportĀ  Parental Report Save the file Parental ReportĀ into a folder on your computer. Unzip it and save the file In Sims go…

SIMS Housekeeping

It is important to keep the data that is held within your SIMS system up-to-date and accurate. Below are some suggestions for Housekeeping routines you can run in SIMS to check that your data is correct, along with guidance on how to complete these routines in SIMS. SIMS Module Routine Guidance Tools Validate Memberships and…

Who has access or the ability to view SIMS Parent App?

*Updated 05/07/2019*   Which contacts associated on a student record has the ability to access SIMS Parent App? SIMS Parent App/Parent App Lite The current functionality is that any contact or guardian that has Parental Responsibility and no Court Order will be able to access SIMS Parent App, and have the ability to see the…