Adding new Dietary Needs for use in pupil records

When adding dietary needs including allergies to a pupil record, the options you need to enter may not be available. You can add in any extra options in here by following these instructions.   1 – Go to Tools – Lookups – Maintain  2 – Press ‘Search’ and scroll to find ‘Dietary Needs‘ and double…

GDPR Information for Schools including Data Retention

For further information on GDPR Regulation for schools, see the Scomis website Scomis Guidance on GDPR Or alternatively see the following sources for guidance : DfE Data Protection Toolkit Within this link : Information Record Management Society – School’s Toolkit the Document ‘Information Management Toolkit for Schools’ contains a Data Retention Schedule at the end of the…

How to do I add Part Time pupils into

The sessions when part-time pupils, i.e. pupils of non-statutory school age, are not required to attend school can be specified using this routine. SIMS then applies the No Attendance Required code to the sessions that occur during the specified date range. The Week Range dates must lie within the new academic year and we would…