Bulk Updating Parental Salutations

These are the steps to follow to bulk update the Parental Salutation and Parental Addressee fields for a student’s record. You can update this field one by one via their profile under Tab 5: Family/Home. To add it in bulk, go to: Routines > Student > Update Salutation / Addressee > Parental Click Search and highlight…

Who can see a Student’s Linked Documents

When attaching a document to a student record through linked documents you will be offered 3 options. Public, Private or Confidential. If Public is chosen then the document/information is available to all users. Anyone who can view student data can view this. If Private is chosen then the document/information is only available for the user…

Creating a Medical Report

This FAQ is to assist in creating a report containing Medical Information of students in SIMS. There are several pre-designed reports on this subject, which can be found via Reports > Run Report > Open Existing Report, then under: Focus > Student. If these reports do not contain the information you require, you will be…