Creating a Medical Report

This FAQ is to assist in creating a report containing Medical Information of students in SIMS. There are several pre-designed reports on this subject, which can be found via Reports > Run Report > Open Existing Report, then under: Focus > Student.

If these reports do not contain the information you require, you will be able to create a new report using the following steps.

  1. First, go to: Reports > Design Report > Create a new report.
  2. Under Select Data Area, select Student and for Refine Data Area, select On roll, unless you wish to include leaver students.
  3. Next, under the Select Data Fields screen, add in any Basic details and registration fields you may require, such as: Surname, Forename, Year Group and Reg Group.
  4. Scroll down to the Medical section, where you will be able to add any information from this section of a student’s profile.
  5. You may notice that some fields have a small blue box displayed next to them:  Double clicking on these will produce further options attached to that field. For example, double clicking on Medical Practice will give you the option to add the name of the Medical Practice, the address, contact details and associated doctors.
  6. Clicking Next will take you to the Filter screen. A report is commonly filtered by Year group or Reg group, which you can do by selecting New and scrolling to the appropriate field. As you are creating a medical report, you may wish to add a filter related to this subject, such as Dietary needs or Medical Conditions. Click Prompt at runtime if you wish to alter the filter when running the report.
  7. On the final screen: Define presentations, you have the option of changing the output of the report, as you may wish to view it as an Excel Spreadsheet rather than a Word Document.

We have created a report which is available to import into SIMS with Medical Notes and Medical Conditions as data fields.

You can download the report here:

Scomis Medical Report

For guidance on importing this report, please see our FAQ:

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