How to use the Student Carousel Wizard
There might be occasions during the planning of the student curriculum when groups of students need to be transferred from one class to another during the course of the academic year.
This is particularly useful if, for example, there are three groups of students attending Expressive Arts classes. At any one time during the academic year, resource availability dictates that one class can study Art, one class can study Music and one class can study Drama. One method of ensuring that during the course of the academic year, each student studies each subject for equal amounts of time, is to periodically swap their classes. This means that the class studying Art in term 1 would study Music in term 2 and Drama in term 3. The other two classes would also swap between the three disciplines. This is referred to as student rotation in Academic Management.
This method is only to be used if the student are rotating and the Teacher/Room are staying the same. If the Teacher/Rooms is moving please see
1. Select Focus | School | Academic Structure | Curriculum Assignment by Scheme to display the Find Curriculum Scheme browser.
2. Find the Scheme you wish to rotate & double click and select the correct date range, click ok
3. Ensure that any students who you want to include as part of the rotation are displayed on-screen and are editable. Ensure that the current student group memberships are correct for the first phase. If there are any incorrect, current assignments, these must be edited before rotating the classes.
4. Click the Allocate button at the top of the Students panel and select Student Carousel Rotation Wizard.
5. Check that the Effective Date Range is correct and then set the date from which you want the rotation to take effect in the Reference Date field.
6. Click Next, remove any groups that should not be included in the rotation by removing the tick, Set the order of the rotation by highlighting each group and clicking the Move Up or Move Down buttons & click next.
A message informing you that some of the students in a group cannot be rotated because their status is read-only might be displayed. This could be because they are not members of one of the Scheme’s source groups, or appear outside of the Effective Date Range and therefore cannot be rotated. Click the Yes button to continue with the rotations as it is.
7. To indicate whether you want the students to be rotated forwards or backwards through the selected groups, select the appropriate radio button, Click the Next button to display the Current Settings.
This page displays all the information that has been specified in the wizard, including the Effective Date Range, Reference Date, the class mappings (e.g. 8x/Ar1 8x/Dr1) and, if applicable, a list of the students who were not rotated due to being read-only. If you want to change any of these settings, click the Back button to navigate to the required page.
8. Click the Next button to rotate the students according to the settings selected.
9. Click the Finish button to close the Student Carousel Rotation wizard. The ticks on the Tick Grid for each student are now moved onto the next class in the rotation phase. The students who have been rotated are highlighted with an asterisk next to them, meaning the changes have not been saved. Click the Save button to save the rotation changes.
Reviewed on 24/05/20