Can I set up Exam reminders in Intouch?

You can set up Exam Alerts via the following:

Tools | InTouch | Exam Reminder Alerts Setup to display the Find Exam Reminder Alert Definition browser.

You can send an SMS or email message to internal examination candidates who are scheduled for an exam, reminding them of a forthcoming examination. The message can also be sent to any linked person marked as a Priority 1 contact if required.

WARNING: Alert messages are triggered and generated by the first SIMS user who logs into SIMS on the date indicated in the Days In Advance field. The messages are sent to all the recipients specified in the alert. Messages are sent for information purposes only so the recipient is advised not to reply to the message (this advice is included as part of the message text if you are using the system template, where this text is included by default). If you reply to an alert message, the reply is sent to the user who triggered the message and not necessarily the user who set up the alert.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Each exam reminder alert definition will run only once for any given date. If you want to send two reminders, one of which is seven days in advance and the other is two days in advance of the exam, you will need to create two alert definitions.



Reviewed 24/5/2019

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