Summer 2018 Examinations Newsletter
Click here to download a copy of the Summer 2018 Examinations Newsletter
Click here to download a copy of the Summer 2018 Examinations Newsletter
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Below is a summary of the process for hosted schools and non hosted schools. Linked documentation shows the details of each step of the process. Teacherapp Installation and Setup Guide SIMS TeacherApp Administrators Guide Using Office 365 with SIMS Teacher App Hosted Schools: School contact Capita and order Sims Teacher App. School checks the pre-requisites….
For guidance on how to create an Assessment Lookup Table, please see the document below: Creating Lookup Tables For further queries, please contact the Scomis Service Desk on 01392 385300 How useful was this article? Click on a star to rate it! Submit Rating Average rating / 5. Vote count: No votes so far! Be…
To configure the assessment wizard on your homepage you can do the following: Go to configure in the top right hand corner of the homepage Amend the number of panels to make sure you have an extra one than is already showing and press the green tick. Drag the assessment widget onto your new panel…
Documentation: Release notes containing detailed information on what is included in the upgrade can be downloaded here: Autumn 2019 Combined Release Notes Autumn 2019 FMS Release Notes The links below show short videos highlighting key information about the enhancements that come as part of the SIMS Summer 2019 release Update to the Linked People at the…
Fileset 2901 is for schools who have upgraded to the Autumn release of SIMS Current fileset: 2901 – This fileset is now available Hosted Schools Fileset 2901 will be applied to hosted schools after the autumn upgrade has been completed. This is due to take place on Friday 15th November 2024 from 5pm. Please see here…
It is not unusual to request for a Hosted SIMS username to be changed. This is usually due to a change of surname after becoming married. If you wish to change a member of staffs SIMS username, please change the surname in all relevant places of SIMS first, i.e. Personnel and after doing so, please…