How do I remove contacts of leaver pupil/students in

You may find over the years your contacts lists in Focus > Person > Contacts, builds up as students/pupils leave your school. You will need to keep contacts of leaver pupils/students for 6 years or more depending on your schools data policy. You can remove any older records via the following steps:

  1. Select the following route: Routines > pupil/student > Bulk delete pupil/Student data
  2. Select the year in the drop down box and tick either delete all data or tick the boxes for the data you wish to permanently remove
  3. Click search, you will then see a list of pupil/students in the lower window.  You can either select the students you wish to delete or check the box to select everyone.
  4. Final step in this window is to click  – Start Delete

Once you have deleted the leaver pupils, the pupils will automatically unlink from the contacts in Focus > Person > Contacts

Your final step is to delete the unlinked contacts  via the following steps: Tools > Housekeeping > Delete unlinked contacts

Once all the above steps have been completed you will see the number of contacts reduce.


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