Staff Data Collection Sheet Report
This report uses all of the non-confidential School Workforce Census fields within SIMS and should be sent out to all staff in September of each year, in order to get all your data accurate and updated in time for the SWC in November.
You can download this report by clicking here.
1. Save the Scomis Staff Data Collection file into a folder on your computer.
2. Unzip the file and extract the Staff – Data Collection Sheet.rptdef to a folder on your computer you can access when you are in SIMS. To unzip the file right click over the file and select ‘Extract All’
3. In SIMS .net go to Reports / Import – click on the Open folder, browse to the folder you have saved the rptdef file into, select it and click on Open
4. Select the report and click on import
5. Once the report has been imported click on Close to close the import window.
6. The report will be in the staff sub folder when you go to Reports / Run.
Reviewed on 36/11/24