Bulk Updating Parental Salutations

These are the steps to follow to bulk update the Parental Salutation and Parental Addressee fields for a student’s record. You can update this field one by one via their profile under Tab 5: Family/Home. To add it in bulk, go to: Routines > Student > Update Salutation / Addressee > Parental Click Search and highlight…

How to amend Work Email address to Home Email on Data Collection Sheet

The standard Data Collection Sheet only displays the Work Email address of a contact. This can be amended in several ways, the most stress-free approach is to update the field in the report so that the main email address takes the place of the work email address. This can be done as shown below. 1….

CTF removes contact addresses in SIMS

A CTF has been imported into SIMS, however it has removed the address for the student’s contact(s). Generic patch 23690 is available to resolve the issue so that addresses are not removed upon importing CTFs. If you are a Hosted school, please request that this is applied to your data. Extract the zip and apply…

How do I Delete Unlinked Contacts?

NOTE: This process permanently removes unlinked contacts. You may wish to carry out a backup before proceeding. 1. Select Tools | Housekeeping | Delete Unlinked Contacts to display the Find Unlinked Contacts browser. 2. Click the Search button to list all available unlinked contacts. If you wish to delete a specific unlinked contact, enter any…