Key Stage Bulletin 2024

This FAQ contains the latest information and guides regarding the Key Stage Return 2024.  Please see below for further guidance Changes to KS1 – The DFE have announced that KS1 is now a non statutory arrangement. This means that unless stated otherwise you do not need to provide a CTF of your KS1 results to…

Devon Schools – Uploading Key Stage, EYFS and Phonics 2023

Devon Schools should upload their Phonics, EYFS and KS1 files to the Devon Educational services Team through the Devon Transfer – Anycomms route. Devon Educational Services Team Deadline dates  EYFS- 30th June 2023 Phonics- 27th June 2023 KS1- 27th June 2023 For Scomis Hosted SIMS schools this can be done through the Devon Transfer Shortcut…

How to delete an incorrect grade in a marksheet

Results are stored against the student. Deleting a result from a marksheet does not delete it from the student which means the result will repopulate the marksheet each time it is opened. To delete the result permanently: Open up the relevant  marksheet Right click on the incorrect result Select ‘view/edit result history’ Select the grade…

Updated KS2 Wizards – Comparative Report

Capita provides a KS2 Comparative England 2019 report in SIMS that enables schools to provide parents with information on the school’s current Year 6 end of key stage outcomes alongside comparable national data from 2018. Unfortunately, some inconsistencies have been identified in the report in the way the data is currently presented for national performance…

Assessment Scores- What is ?

What is a Raw Score? The raw score is the total number of marks a pupil scores in a test, based on the number of questions they answered correctly. What is a Scaled score? Scaled Score results are reported consistently from one year to the next.  The national curriculum tests are designed to be as…

* Updated 8th July 2019* Primary School SIP (School Improvement Programme) Statutory Key Stage Analysis Resources

(Updated 7th July 2019) Capita have developed a series of reports to assist primary school leaders, governors and any other relevant stake holders to analyse statutory Key Stage data in line with the DfE Primary Accountability Measures 2018 updated September 2018 and Provisional 2018 National Figures from Statistics at DfE – Department for Education. These…

Exporting/Importing Key Stage marksheets to Excel and Mapping aspects

Importing data from a “Formatted” spreadsheet will import back into the original aspects and result sets that were contained when the data was previously exported. Importing data from an “Un-formatted” spreadsheet will require user input to map the columns of the spreadsheet to the aspects and result sets in SIMS. If the spreadsheets are exported…

Submitting KS2 Results to NCA Tools Website (Hosted Schools)

Submitting KS2 Results to NCA Tools Website (Hosted Schools) Currently Schools are unable to access the NCA Tools website via Internet Explorer in Scomis Hosted Applications. They receive either of the following two errors that are shown below   Testing performed by Scomis has revealed that the website actively blocks connection requests from the…

Unable to access NCA Tools website

  We have had calls from schools that have been unable to access NCA Tools website via Internet Explorer in Scomis Hosted Applications, and as a locally hosted school. They receive either of the following two errors that are shown below. Testing performed by Scomis has revealed that the website actively blocks connection requests from…

Creating a User Defined Group

Please see the following document for advice on how to create a user defined group: Creating a User Defined Group KB13332 – Running reports for user defined group KB23120 – Adding a user defined group to Discover KB19505 – Removing a student from a user defined group.   Reviewed: 27/7/20

How do I export my assessment data from School Pupil Tracker into SIMS ?

If your school sends assessment data to your Local Authority using a file from School Pupil Tracker you should still import assessments into your school’s Management Information System (SIMS). This ensures all your pupils have the statutory data saved to their record. The following process will need to be completed for all Key Stages. Choose…

Key Stage – How do I amend an incorrect grade in a marksheet?

Locate the relevant Marksheet via Tools>Performance>Assessment>Wizard Manager. Open the Marksheet and right click on the cell with the incorrect grade. This will allow you to view/edit the result history as per the screenshot below (Click on the image for a larger version). Highlight the grade to be removed and click the delete icon (red cross)…

How to Export the Reports Using the Key Stage Manager Wizard

If you wish to use the Key Stage Manager Wizard to export the results to a XML file: — 1. Click the Next button on the Individual Report screen. —   2.  The Group Membership Dates display the current academic year by default. If you wish to change these dates click the Refresh button to…