Setting up Teachers2Parents on Scomis hosted applications platform

Teachers 2 parents now uses Wonde to upload data- if you wish to use Teachers 2 Parents with Scomis Hosted please contact Teachers 2 Parents about moving to Wonde . If you wish to use the old application please see the advise below:   Scomis host Teachers2Parents on our hosted SIMS platform. If your school…

Teacher 2 Parents – Invalid Username or Password

When using Teachers 2 Parents to create an extract and update T2P’s an error may occur ‘Invalid username or password’. T2P uses the username Teachers2Parents. This username and password can be checked by logging onto using the username ‘Teachers2Parents’ and the password, (on TSĀ  log onto the local install of sims Start>All Programs>sims…

SIMS External Connector for third party application which link with SIMS (for schools on our hosted SIMS platform only)

This article is only relevant for schools on our hosted applications platform who have 3rd party software which links with SIMS and which Scomis do not currently host (eg – current commonly used applications in school are Nationwide Cashless Catering, ALPS) Please see article for a full list of third party applications which fit…