Pay Scale incorrect within FMS

If a staff member has a higher pay scale within Salary Projection within FMS than they have on their contract within SIMS and this is incorrect please follow these steps:

– Find the staff member’s personnel record within SIMS
– Open their contract
– Put an end date on their current Salary Scale Record that is one day before the new incremental year
– Open a new Salary Scale Record on the correct scale point and put the start date as the first day of the new incremental year

– Enter a new line with the correct incremental date and point

– Run salary projection within FMS and the issue should now be resolved.

This happens as FMS knows the usual increment date and applies it.  If the increment is not happening at the normal time then it needs to be overridden in Sims .net by the process above.

Reviewed on 01/03/2018


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