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Running reports for a User Defined Group
Before starting the report, make sure you make a note of the Short Name of your User Defined Group as this will be required. After selecting the data fields that you require for your report press Next, this will take you to the Define Filter screen. Click on New, a screen will pop up which…
Homepage Quick Search shortcut reporting criteria/tokens
The quick search on the SIMS homepage can be used as a quick reporting tool to help you find information. You can view details of search tokens available in Quick Search by entering the search string ‘help’ – use the scroll bar to view the entire list. Search tokens, starting with #, are used to…
Migration Report for Arrivals duplicating entries
This is due to incomplete, duplicated or multiple entry information in the ‘School History’ section of the student record. If incomplete or duplicated then correct the data and run the report again. If genuinely multiple schools then the report will show a line for each, if this is not what is required then edit the report…
Attendance reports for Vulnerable children – Pupil Premium, SEN, FSM or EAL.
The following Attendance/Lesson monitor reports can be run/created in order to show vulnerable groups of children and their attendance figures. This can include Pupil Premium, Special Educational Needs, Free School Meals, Ever6, English Additional Language and others. In order to get a ‘Whole group figure’ for these groups, go to: Reports > Attendance/Lesson Monitor >…
Pupil has SEN but no SEN type is present
Getting error message in Census that pupil has SEN but no SEN type is present. On checking the student record in:- Student SEN details Tab 3 – Basic SEN Details Status is recorded as P or S and there is a need type recorded with a ranking. The need type must be one of the…
Individual Reports not showing assessment marksheet colours
Is the ‘Print Report with Colour’ option ticked? Was the colour added retrospectively to the marksheet? Is the column marked read only or its associated result set locked? If so the marksheet will show the colour but it is not saved for reports. KB19315 How useful was this article? Click on a star to rate…