Course Manager and Post 16 Learning Aims : Resits and Retakes

The EFA Funding Guidance for 2016-2017 states the following:

Where learning programmes are designed to enable students to re-sit or re-take examinations and assessments these are not generally eligible for funding as the activity has already been funded. Where there are exceptional circumstances outside the control of the student or institution, such as a period of long term sickness, or good educational reasons then the re-take delivery hours for individual students may be included in the funded study programme hours. All such students should only make up a small percentage of the total student cohort.

Where a student fails to complete a learning aim in the expected time span and stays on for additional time, including revision sessions or re-sits, no further funding should be recorded. No planned hours should be included in funding returns claimed for students merely re-taking examinations.

Qualifications leading to a GCSE grade A*-C in English and/or maths where the student has not yet achieved a grade C in these subjects are not treated as retakes for funding purposes.

Re-sit and re-takes – what is the difference?

A re-sit occurs when an examination is taken again or coursework is resubmitted but the student does not attend lessons.

There is no funding for re-sits and it is not necessary to record them in Course Manager.

A re-take of the qualification is where the student is retaking the qualification including attendance at regular classes.

The student’s learning aim (re-take) will be included in the census, however they should not be included in Planned Hours unless they meet one of the conditions above.  Note:  Calculate hours from Courses makes no distinction between a funded retake and one that is not funded, it is the school’s responsibility to check that the hours claimed are correct for every student.  If the retake column is ticked for a student in a course “Calculate Hours from Courses” it will not count the hours for that course for the student.


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