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Funding and Monitoring – Example of repeating Year 13
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Course Manager and Post 16 Learning Aims : Resits and Retakes
The EFA Funding Guidance for 2016-2017 states the following: Where learning programmes are designed to enable students to re-sit or re-take examinations and assessments these are not generally eligible for funding as the activity has already been funded. Where there are exceptional circumstances outside the control of the student or institution, such as a period…
Managing Classroom Staff – QRS
Click HERE for the Managing Classroom Staff QRS Reviewed on 24/05/2019 How useful was this article? Click on a star to rate it! Submit Rating Average rating / 5. Vote count: No votes so far! Be the first to rate this post.
Adding a new QAN/Discount Code to an existing course
Care needs to be taken when doing this to avoid backdating the change to previous years, or creating duplicate learning aims. Please follow the steps below: Check that you are working in the correct academic year in Tools / Academic Management / Set Academic Year Tools / Academic Management / Course Manager / Maintain Courses…
Students in schemes are greyed out and read-only
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SIMS runs very slow when adding QAN’s to courses in Course Manager
There is a number of patches which can be run to resolve this issue Please contact the Service Desk and quote KB111255 requesting patches 14265, 11669,12879 Reviewed 24/5/2019 How useful was this article? Click on a star to rate it! Submit Rating Average rating / 5. Vote count: No votes so far! Be the first…