Report for students who live with both parents/only live with one parent

A report to show students who live with both parents or either parent is becoming a common request due to a freedom of information request going around. There is no simple way to produce this report however there is a rptdef (Report Definition File) that can be imported into SIMS under Reports > Import and run, that can be downloaded below. Once the report runs, it will show T (True) and F (False) for each the Mother and the Father of the student as to whether they live with them. Where it shows two T’s (True) it means the student lives with both parents. The report outputs to Excel and will then need to be manually sorted and counted to find the number of students that live with either parent.

Download and unzip the following file for the .RptDef: Students who live with both parents

mother father mum dad parents live freedom of information foi report lives living parent


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