FMS Ledger Code conversion tool tips
When using this tool the following rules apply:-
Code needs to be no more than 8 characters
Descriptions need to be unique
When using this tool the following rules apply:-
Code needs to be no more than 8 characters
Descriptions need to be unique
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Tools>Define Financial Year………….
In some instances it is necessary to cancel a payment within FMS, also known as contra payment. Please see the below scenarios of how to deal with cancelling a payment within FMS. Scenario 1 – Invoice status- Authorised If you have processed an invoice and have marked the invoice as “Authorised”, you can cancel the invoice by…
Claimants are showing to select and add in claims for additional contracted hours and supply but on selecting the fund and ledger there is nothing to choose. Check in FMS that the financial year is Started. In Claims Preparation use the Refresh Cache option. If this is the first claim they have prepared since having a new FMS…
This is because the process has been interrupted.
Go to Focus>Non-Invoiced Income>Paying In Slips………….
A journal in FMS moves money from one place to another so must be balanced before it can be posted. Make sure the debit and credit columns have the same total so that it is marked *Balanced* If there is an actual balance then the post box will not be available. How useful was this…
Capita have now issued a PDF file with the latest National Insurance Rates for 2022/23. There is now a Capita patch available, number 26960, which will insert the National Insurance table 2022-23 on your behalf. If you have already created the table for 2022-23, the patch will overwrite the existing table. The patch adds an…