How do I set up an Exams Results Embargo?
Examination results are generally available for download at midnight on Results Download Day. To restrict the publication and viewing of examination results before their official release time (i.e. 06:00 on the Thursday, Results Publication Day), an ‘embargo’ can be set up in Examinations Organiser.
The embargo is set by defining a time and date range, during which access to the downloaded results is restricted to authorized personnel only. Exceptions to this restriction can be defined, enabling individual users to access examination results during this period, if required
Throughout the embargo period, only authorised personnel and other users added as exceptions to the embargo can view the examination data for the embargoed season in the following areas of Examinations Organiser:
Focus | Marksheet – Data Entry
Reports | Results
Reports | Checks | Candidate Award Claim Validation
Reports | Checks | Candidate Progress
Tools | External Results | Manual Entry
For all other users, these areas of functionality will not display, or make available for selection, data for the embargoed season.
How to Setting Up the Results Embargo for Results Download Days
1. Select Tools | School Setup | Results Embargo to display the Results Embargoes.
2. Click the Add button to display the Results Embargo dialog. To edit an existing embargo, highlight it and click the Edit button.
3. Select the Season to which you wish to apply an embargo from the drop-down list.
4. Select the Start Date for the embargo by clicking the Calendar button and selecting the required date. Alternatively, enter the date in the field.
5. Enter the start Time for the embargo in the adjacent field.
6. Select the End Date for the embargo by clicking the Calendar button and selecting the required date. Alternatively, enter the date in the field.
7. Enter the end Time for the embargo in the adjacent field.
8. Select any members of staff who are exempt from this embargo (i.e. those you wish to still have permission to access the examination results, regardless of any embargo) by clicking the Field Browser button adjacent
to the Exceptions panel to display the Choose Exception Employees.
9. Select the required member(s) of staff by double-clicking their name or highlighting the member of staff then clicking the Choose button. Multiple members of staff can be selected by holding down the Ctrl key and clicking
each member of staff, then click the Choose button. Select all members of staff by clicking the Choose All button.
10. Click the Update button to return to the Results Embargo dialog, where the selected member(s) of staff are displayed in the Exceptions panel.