
FMS Salary Commitments for all Teachers – are showing incorrectly.

When all staff in a particular service term in FMS are showing incorrectly, this is usually due to a new pay award being entered into SIMS Personnel.

Earlier in the year, for budgeting purposes, the known or anticipated % pay increase for September may have been added in FMS.

Once the pay award is entered into Personnel and Salary Projections in FMS is updated, the commitments will show with both the real pay award and the projected % pay award.

Therefore, it is necessary to remove the projected % pay award.

To do this go to:

FMS>Focus>Personnel Links>Salary Projection

Salary Projection>Annual Award Percentage (or the % icon on the right)

Find the service term and if an entry exists for the same date as entered in Sims.net Personnel use the minus to remove it



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