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Basedata imported into wrong season
As long as no entries have been made against the basedata then the basedata can be deleted and re-imported into the correct season. To delete the basedata start at the lowest level i.e. components, then element, award and finally series. Reviewed on 28/07/2020 – AT Reviewed – 26/05/2015 How…
Generating Performance Indicator (PI) reports
Running the PI reports Select Tools | Examinations | PI Reports – the default selections are for a Key Stage 4 summary report for the default season. Click the Group Filter browser and expand the Exam Performance Cohort option by clicking on the + Select PI Cohort 2022 KS4 and click Apply. When you run…
Adding Qualification no longer in the QWS QAN Catalogue
The DfE QWS QAN Catalogue now only supports new qualifications where they are applicable for use in the sixth form. To add qualifications no longer in the QWS QAN catalogue you will need to do the following: Within SIMS select Tools | Examinations | Add Qualification Data Click OK Click New Type the QN e.g. 60370506 Add…
What is a good pass when using the new reformed 9-1 grades?
A grade 4 will be classed as a pass and would be the equivalent to a C grade, anything below a 4 would not be classed as a pass. Please see below; Under the new system, a grade 4 and above will be equivalent to a C and above. This is – and will remain…
How do I split Basedata to separate Certification elements into separate awards?
We have received many calls to the helpdesk regarding linking awards to courses in SIMS, where the Basedata Award imported into Examinations may contain more than one certification element. This can cause problems within Course Manager due to the fact you can only link one award to one course, so results for both certifications will…
What qualifications count towards the English Baccalaureate Qualification?
What is the English Baccalaureate? The English Baccalaureate was introduced as a performance measure in the 2010 performance tables. It is not a qualification in itself. The measure recognises where pupils have secured a C grade or better across a core of academic subjects – English, mathematics, history or geography, the sciences and a…