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Print from Microsoft Edge
The Scomis Hosted platform now utilises Microsoft Edge as its Internet Browser. Previously, in Internet Explorer 11, there was a “Print ” button showing in the toolbar at the top of the page. Due to the way that Edge works, this is no longer possible. To bring up the Print Preview and dialogue window, simply…
Recording Staff Absences in Cover 7
1. From the Cover Arrangements page, click the New Absence button to display the Record Classroom Staff Absence dialog. 2. Select the absent member of staff in the Staff panel (use the Ctrl key to select multiple staff members). 3. Select a reason for the absence in the Reasons panel. 4. In the Duration panel,…
Absence reason in Cover & Absence type in Personnel are different, can they be the same?
The reasons for absences in Cover are held in a separate table from the reasons for absence in Personnel, but there is no reason why the tables cannot be the same, if desired. The Cover absences are within SIMS under | Tools | Cover | Reasons for Absence. Select a reason and click on Edit to see…
Absence and Closure in Cover 7
Reasons for Absence and Closure in Cover 7. Absence and Closure in Cover 7 Reviewed 29/10/2015 How useful was this article? Click on a star to rate it! Submit Rating Average rating / 5. Vote count: No votes so far! Be the first to rate this post.
How to deal with a staff leaver’s timetable for Cover
This KB gives 3 scenarios to help you to provide Cover for a teacher who has left the school, 1 If a staff member leaves and the timetable is taken over by just one supply teacher then the best option is to replace the leaver in Nova with the Supply person. The Supply person…
Cover Browse Showing In Red When All Periods Have Been Covered
A day in the Cover Diary browse is showing in red but there are no periods requiring cover This is caused by a staff member having two instances of absence, one absence was added and the cover was entered and then another absence has been added which overlaps the original absence. See the example in…