4. Post Migration

Following the data migration Scomis will run through checks before the school log in. We also require the school to perform specific tasks to ensure that all staff are prepared.

Data Checking

  1. Basic Data Check
    • Scomis will complete a basic data checking and acceptance exercise, testing known elements of SIMS .net and FMS to ensure that configuration is correct before releasing to the customer. The school will need to complete their own acceptance testing within 2 days of migration.
  2. Distribute Logon Information
    • It is the responsibility of the school to change passwords after migration. At the first time of logging in, users will be asked to change the randomly generated password to a new secure password – See https://faq.scomis.org/kb635/ for advice of the password requirements. Hosted Applications Service usernames will be in the form of firstname.lastnameXX (Where XX is a 2 digit number). E.g. joe.bloggs24 Scomis will return the Usernames and Passwords to be distributed by the school.
  3. Train Staff
    • The Scomis Hosted Applications Service is an intuitive system, however some familiarisation may be required for school staff. Most schools prefer the “in-house champion” (usually the SIMS Manager) who will already have had some exposure to the hosted environment through either experience or the test account from previous sections.
    • Scomis will provide a brief overview to the named contact only. It is then the schools responsibility to train the remaining staff.
    • Scomis will also provide :
  4. Allocate Shortcuts
    • The Scomis Hosted Applications Service uses SIMS .net to provide links to other applications that are available in the Hosted Applications Service. These links can be managed by the SIMS Manager or requested for a user via the Scomis Service desk or local support. Only a basic set of Shortcuts will be allocated to users. Additional shortcuts such as A2C Exams will be allocated to the Exams users who the school identify during the pre-migration process.
  5. Configure external third party applications
    • This section covers applications that are run from within the Hosted Applications Service and those which are not suitable for the Hosted Applications Service but will use the External Connector. Applications such as 3rd Party Applications will be configured at time of migration, since these run within the Terminal Server.



1. Service evaluation: Is this suitable for your school

2. Pre-migration Preparation

3. Migration

4. Post Migration 

5. Completion

reviewed 08/01/2021

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