3. Migration

The Migration Process
While Scomis are performing the migration the school will still be able continue as normal without the access to SIMS and other applications listed below.

A. During Migration

School staff can use computers in the school for email, Internet, MS Office access but must not use SIMS,

FMS or related applications on the days of the migration until Scomis confirm completion of the migration to the hosted environment.

The migration to Scomis Hosted Applications Service will normally take up to 2 days to complete assuming all pre-requisites are complete and no Internet downtime or other unforeseen technical issues arise.

Scomis will advise the school of any delays which arise during the migration process. Scomis will require exclusive remote access to the server containing the SIMS data.

Scomis will encrypt and upload the following data to our servers:

  • SIMS, FMS, other relevant SQL databases
  • SIMS folder, DOCSTORAGE folder, Exams data
  • Any other data which integrates with SIMS ie 3rd party software databases / folders

On the schools original SIMS server, folders / databases that have been migrated will be moved to a folder named “MovedToScomis” in a suitable server location.

Scomis will create user accounts* in SIMS .net for testing, user management, backup, patching and upgrade purposes. The technical account must have complete access to SIMS .net modules at all times Scomis will create a User account* in each of the FMS databases for backup, patching and upgrade purposes. This account will require the highest level of access in FMS.

* The Scomis user accounts will have a secure password and control and usage of these accounts are limited to internal Scomis Support only.

B. Third Party Applications Configuration

Scomis will provide an External Connector set up for any 3rd party applications which integrate with SIMS .net. Details will be provided once the users have been handed over.

A list of SIMS Hosted Application – Supported VLE’s and Third Party Applications can be found here https://faq.scomis.org/kb26610/



1. Service evaluation: Is this suitable for your school

2. Pre-migration Preparation

3. Migration

4. Post Migration 

5. Completion


reviewed 08/01/2021

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