Deleting Staff in Personnel due to GDPR

Routines > Staff > Delete Staff In most cases, it is not possible to delete the entire record of a staff member because of the complexity of links to other data within SIMS. In the Spring 2019 release of SIMS Capita relaxed some of the rules that prevented deletion in previous versions, mainly to cover…

Bulk Importing Student Emails & Telephone Numbers

Current (on Roll) student emails and telephone numbers can be imported directly into SIMS from a CSV file. Go to Routines | Data In | Pupil (or Student) Data | Import from Spreadsheet. School Administrators can now import pupil/student personal email addresses and telephone numbers. To find out more details, go to the documentation centre…

How to bulk delete results in Assessment Manager 7 for an aspect

Select route:- Tools | Performance | Assessment | System Utilities | Results Select – Delete a Selection of Results Next Browse to the Group required Select ALL (or tick the students required) Click Apply Click Next Browse to the Aspects the results are associated with Tick required aspects and Click Apply Select eitherĀ  Result Set…

GDPR – Deleting Pupil/Student Data in Bulk (Manually)

  Routines | Pupil (or Student) | Bulk Delete Pupil Data Following the Sims Summer 2018 Upgrade to assist schools in being GDPR compliant, it is now possible for a school to bulk delete pupil/student data in line with the Schools own data retention policies. The following data areas can now be deleted: Alerts Attendance…

Bulk importing email addresses

If you need to add in email addresses for a large number of people in SIMS. You can follow this guide – Bulk Import This can be done for current staff members and contacts (for pupils see This document can be followed as it is for Non-Hosted schools but if you are a hosted…

How do I Bulk Update Information in SIMS?

The facility to Bulk Update pupil/student information enables you to simultaneously assign values to a group of pupil/students, and then edit any individual exceptions if required. Routines | Pupil (or Student) | Bulk Update. The Group Type indicates the type of group you wish to work with whilst the Group allows you to select the…