Missing QCA Codes
Reviewed 03/05/2018
Reviewed 03/05/2018
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A pupil is eligible for a free school meal on some days but not all days, unable to put in the charged meal details. This can be recorded as an Adhoc pupil meal via Focus>Dinner money>Adhoc Meals>Paid child meals, add the pupil name in the reason, this will provide a record of the meal for the student…
In February, ESS SIMS was acquired by new independent owners and is therefore no longer part of Capita. As of the 21st May 2021 the legal name of the company formerly known as Capita ESS Ltd will be changing to Education Software Solutions Ltd. The abbreviation ‘ESS’, which they have been using since February, will…
Results are stored against the student. Deleting a result from a marksheet does not delete it from the student which means the result will repopulate the marksheet each time it is opened. To delete the result permanently: Open up the relevant marksheet Right click on the incorrect result Select ‘view/edit result history’ Select the grade…
This can be done in two ways:- The User may configure their own home page by using the spanner icon in the top right hand corner of the Home Page itself – via this option it is possible to add the panel ‘Messages’ There is a also multi user option which the individual user cannot…
The Volume Licence Agreement of this version of MS Office doesn’t provide a direct download setup as previous versions. The following are the steps needed to download and install this version. Log in to your Microsoft Volume Licence portal using the credentials provided when the licence was purchased. Obtain the relevant MAK product code. Go…
This can be done one of 2 ways either by Staff or by Training Course By Staff Select Reports | Personnel | Staff Training Enter a Start Date & End Date. In the Selected Staffs panel click the New button and search for and staff you would like to report on Click the Open button….