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Sims TeacherApp – Summary of Setup Process for Hosted and Non Hosted Schools.
Below is a summary of the process for hosted schools and non hosted schools. Linked documentation shows the details of each step of the process. Teacherapp Installation and Setup Guide SIMS TeacherApp Administrators Guide Using Office 365 with SIMS Teacher App Hosted Schools: School contact Capita and order Sims Teacher App. School checks the pre-requisites….
What are the benefits of auto-provisioning through Sims ID?
What are the benefits of auto-provisioning through Sims ID? Schools start using SIMS ID for a variety of reasons. Some use SIMS ID to manage their Active Directories and Office 365 provisioning. Others start with SIMS ID only providing access for parents using Parent App. or students using SIMS Options. Schools that start using SIMS…
How to link Awards to Courses
Course Award links can be seen in Exam Organiser in Tools | School Setups | Exam Awards but can no longer be changed here. To link exam awards to courses, use SIMS .net – Tools | Academic Management | Course Manager | Maintain Course. Once the information is saved, the elements will also appear. To link the…
Viewing Key Performance Indicators (KPI) on the Sims Home Page
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Access Workspace – cannot log in workspace error ‘account is under building’
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Spring 2024 – School Census – Fileset 2600 series
Current fileset: 2605 – This fileset is available Fileset 2605 – Was rolled out to all Hosted Schools on 25th January, 2024 Hosted Schools Fileset 2605 is available and was applied to Hosted Schools on 25/01/2024 Non-hosted Schools will need to download and import the file below: Fileset 2605 – click here This fileset is…