How to set up BACS within FMS

Setup the Bank Account

Go to Tools>General Ledger Setup>Tab 5 Ledger Codes (if you have not already defined your bank account then you should create one now)

Enter the Account Name, Sort Code and Account Number details.

Account Code – only numbers can be entered here and the field defaults to 0. You should accept the default value unless you have been specifically told to use an alternative by your bank. (N.B. only a small number of banks use this).

BACS User Number – provided by BACS to your Bank or BACS Bureau. This is a six digit number. (If you are using Internet Banking and have not been advised of this number, enter a dummy number e.g. 000000 or 999999). The system uses this field to determine which bank accounts may be used for BACS payments.

BACS Bureau Number

– If you are intending to upload the BACS file to internet banking software, this field may be left empty as it is not required by the banks software.

– If you are intending to transmit BACS payments through a BACS bureau, enter the number here. This is in the format of a B followed by five numeric and will be provided by your BACS bureau.

BACS File Extension and User Defined Fields – these will need to be completed depending on the additional requirements from specific Banks.

BACS File Types – there are a number of options available to select which will ensure compatibility with the bureau/bank you are using.

Set up the Accounts Payable Parameters

Go to Tools>Accounts Payable Parameters>Tab 4 Cheque Layout /BACS Parameters (the BACS session is located at the bottom portion of the page).


– If you are using a bank, please enter a dummy value e.g. 123 or ABC

– This 3 character code identifies you to your BACS bureau and will be provided by them if you are using a bureau.

Mask Bank Account – check this box if you do not want the full bank account number to be displayed on the BACS Remittances. The bank account number will be shown as nnnn1234 for example.

Out Directory – where you wish to store the BACS file. (As the BACS file contains financial data, consideration should be given to the security of this folder.)

Days Kept – Enter the number of days you wish the file to be kept by BACS in days – the default is 10.

Audit – check this box if required

Set up each FMS Supplier

Go to Focus>Accounts Payable>Supplier>Tab 2 Additional

Selecting to pay by BACS causes the following fields to become mandatory for recording bank details

– Account No – is the supplier’s bank account number

– Account Code – if required the supplier will issue a single digit code. If not it will default to zero

– Account Name – defaults to the suppliers name entered on the Basic Tab. Up to 50 characters will be permitted but you should be aware that only the first 18 characters are used in the BACS File.

– Sort Code – as provided by the supplier

– Payment Reference No – should be no more than 18 characters and is used by the supplier to identify the organisation making payment. Where a number is entered, it must be the number assigned to your organisation by the supplier.

Creating a BACS File

Go to Focus>Accounts Payable>BACS Processing

NB: If the school uses scomis’ Hosted Applications service you will need to follow to set up the eAdvices

Reviewed 31/7/20


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